Thursday, May 15, 2014

Lessons Learned

I learned a lot at college. I learned things in the classroom and out of it. College is the time for growth in multiple ways. These are a few things I learned that I think will benefit others who are going off to college.

-You are 97.4% guaranteed to have roommate problems. Whether it is one on one problems or the whole apartment is upset. You'll have problems with cleanliness; whether you have it or you don't. I suggest you become a clean person before you move out, otherwise you might be the hated roommate. 
-Boundaries and rules. If you are moving out, set boundaries and rules before anything else. If you don't things will get interesting. Most of the problems I had with roommates was because we didn't set clear rules and boundaries. 
-Cleaning checks will be your best friend. It will be the one time in the month your apartment will be clean. Unless you have those roommates that don't clean anyways. Then I wish you all the luck in the world.
-Pray for roommates that believe the same things you do. In my case I wanted roommates who were members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. It is a better environment knowing you have one thing in common with your roommates. You even get the chance to practice together. One of my favorite memories is going to the temple with my worthy roommates. 
-The 1:58 bus always comes at 2:00. This worked in my favor everyday since I was coming from choir that was five stories up and a 9 minute walk. I never missed the bus. 
-If you're an introvert in high school, chances of you changing your ways are slim. Even if you have a good intention to change. 
-You don't appreciate the teachers you have in high school. But honestly, the reason I had any success I college was because of my high school teachers. Because of them I had a solid foundation of subjects that other students lack.
- I learned about personalities. What my personality is, who I get along with most, and the kind of personality I hope to get. I am constantly thinking of who I want to become more like and why. 
-Pet Peeves. Some pet peeves don't surface until you live with people who don't do things the way you do. Like open kitchen cabinets and toilet lid always being up. I didn't know those things bugged me until they showed up in my life. 
-Procrastination doesn't pay off. I don't care if you "work better under pressure." In college the last two weeks before finals are crucial. If you want good grades, and I mean A's and maybe one B, then you can't procrastinate. Plan ahead. Set the due date earlier in your head than it appears on Canvas. Becoming a planner can only help you in college and in your future career. No one likes a procrastinator.
-Car alarms are annoying. Especially at 3:00 AM. No ifs, ands, or buts about it.
-Being fake doesn't get you anywhere. Ya, sure, people will like you for awhile but eventually   they will get sick of you being fake. So just be yourself. College gives you the liberty to reinvent yourself but stay true to yourself at the same time.

I love that every experience I go through will change me. I get to keep learning and growing into the person I want to be. My first year of college taught me things that I wouldn't have learned staying at home. This experience will benefit me in my future home because I know what kind of person I am to live with. I am more conscious about the person I am.

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