Monday, September 30, 2013

Why I Lose My Patience

The Wifi in the Computer Science building drives me nuts. Some days it works and others it refuses to cooperate. Why is this awful? Because I am doing homework. And I lose my patience when I can’t do my homework. Here I am trying to be a good college student. But I can’t because everyone and their dog in on the Wifi. If people could so lovingly unhook their devices that are just connected to the internet but not being used that would be fantastic. But personally I don’t think people even understand that that is how Wifi works. It can only hook so many devices and once there are too many, it just crashes. Yay.
So  now what do I do instead of homework? I blog. Now you may think to yourself “That still requires internet.” Well joke is on you!  That is the glory of Microsoft Word. No Wifi needed. I simply type away my frustrations. It is much cheaper than therapy.

Why November Should Come Faster

·         Tyler Comes Home.
·         Tyler Comes Home.
·         Thanksgiving
·         Tyler Comes Home.
·         Almost Christmas.
·         Tyler Comes Home
·         I get to hug Tyler
·         I get to see Tyler
·         I get to talk to Tyler
·         Tyler Comes Home.
·         I get to stuff my face during Thanksgiving
·         While being grateful that Tyler is home
Did I mention that Tyler comes home?
It is only 32 days away! 

Sunday, September 29, 2013

I Went Outside Once

It was difficult.
But I did it.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Why College is Better

Dear High Schoolers,
Don't give up.
College is better than high school.
Don't believe me?
College is better than High School because you get a fresh start. You don't get those very often. Especially if you have lived in the same place your whole life. When you come to college no one knows you or your family and they don't have this image in their head of what you are supposed to be. And really, that is a lot of freedom that you were just handed. You get to meet a handful of people who are just like you! Same interests, beliefs, and craziness. You may feel alone but really you are just surrounded by people who feel the exact same way. Voice your concern and someone will listen and relate. Then you can talk about all the issues you are having and eventually you will feel better about the situation.
Depending on which school you go to will sway this factor but class sizes. Here at UVU you have small classes to semi-large. The smallest class I have heard of is 6 people. And the largest class I have heard of is about 400. So it just depends. For my schedule I did two larger classes that have over 100 people, and four classes that have 40-50 people. Now, what is so great about these sizes? For the smaller classes the Professors really try to learn your names. Which makes them more approachable. I like larger classes for the exact same reason. I secretly like it when my teacher has no idea who I am. This way they can't call on you and make you answer a question that you have no idea how to answer. This saves you from countless embarrassment. Another great thing about a larger class is you don't have to sit by the same people. Ever. If you just sit on the other side of the auditorium they will never know you were even there. Is that great? It comes in handy when you are trying to avoid someone.
Homework load. This one is kind of a toss up. Sometimes you have a very small amount of homework. Just some reading and a little quiz. Manageable. But then you have the days where you never come out of your room because you are busy slaving away your life. Mondays are usually my hardest days to get everything done. So weekends are kind of rough for me. As much as I just want to relax, I can't because I am trying to not fall behind on my classes. But see, we do everything through the website called Canvas. This system stinks but is great at the same time. It has a to-do list on the side and keeps me organized for when things are do. But sometimes all my assignments don't fit in that little to-do box. I simply have more. But with Canvas I also know all that is required of me on the first day of class. All the assignments are already posted. So you just need to practice time management and you'll be fine. Just remember that you have more time than you did in high school to do things. I spend approximately 4 hours doing homework a day. Give and take an hour.
This next bonus you only really experience if you are living away from home. I like being able to eat when I want. I know, I know. You can do that home. But really, this is different. I eat dinner at 4 in the afternoon. But I also eat lunch at 10 in the morning. It is just how my schedule works. I will occasionally have second dinner at 8:00 because I was hungry. But I love that. At home you had to at least wait till a more appropriate time for dinner. Like, at least you had to wait till 5:00. But not for me.
I like being dependent. It makes you appreciate all the things your parents have given you. You learn about the concept of money, sleep, food, and cleaning. Simple things that you take for granted. Like a clean kitchen. Our kitchen is never clean. I used to clean it when I got home from school. But that became too much because they weren't my dishes. It was pointless for me to slave away my time  for everyone else.  So now I wash my dishes by hand and try to make as little mess as possible. But I miss walking into a room and just having it be clean.
There are so many chances to be social. I wouldn't suggest trying to do all them. That is just tiring. But I would go to a few a week. And believe there are that many. Sometimes two in a night won't hurt. Some how I have made my own curfew. I can't decide if that is good or bad. I am always exhausted by 7:00 PM. I have to force myself to stay up so I don't enter the 'Grandma' Status. I usually get a new wave of energy around 9:30 or 10:00. Then I never want to go to bed. It is a small issue.
Basically college is better just because it isn't high school.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

I Love Being Mormon

We watched this video in institute and it gave me goose bumps.
I just love it.
And I love missionaries and missionary work.
Heidi, Camille, Jessica
(Timpanogos Temple)

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

When I'm Alone...

When I am bored and alone...
This is generally what happens.


Melissa & Jessica
Yes. This happened.
We had a sleepover in our room.
It was quite the party. 

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

A Little Psychology

This is what we are learning in psychology.
We are learning about the development of the brain in little children.
We watched this video and I found it cute.
I love it when the little boy can't come up with a logical answer. 

Monday, September 23, 2013

Alumni Mansion

This is the UVU Alumni Mansion.
It is beautiful.
This is where we had our UVU Women's Choir Retreat.


Friday, September 20, 2013

We'll Keep Him Around

There is a boy named Nick.
He lives 4 floors down.
He is our friend.
Sometimes we call him our pet.
He came over last night. Which is normal. We talked and did homework and whatever. I went in the kitchen to make some dinner and found this note on a paper towel. Nick wrote us a little note.
It says:

Dear Girls,

I just want to let you guys know that all 6 of you are beautiful,

and don't let any guy tell you otherwise.

Love, Nicholas.

He also took out the trash.
So we'll keep him around.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

An Answer to a Question

Some of you might wonder how many roommates I have.
That's easy. I have five roommates.
Yes, we are all LDS.
Yes, we are all friends.
Yes, we are a bunch of crazy people. It happens.
But the million dollar question is

Who do I share my room with?

Well. I am about to solve that mystery.
This is Melissa.
She burns toast.
Every time she burns the toast.
She simply forgets it is in the oven.
We don't complain too much just because the burnt smell gets rid of the gross smell in our apartment.
Melissa is a pretty hilarious individual.
She drinks Dr. Pepper. A lot of DP actually.
And she likes Grilled Cheese.
(See how that rhymes?)
We get along and that is all that matters.
She says I am more reliable than a alarm clock.
Which is true.
She hates how I keep the blinds open but she is nice enough to let me keep them open. We have a fairly good system going on.
I am even catching on to her catch phrase.
"Don't do it. It's a trap."

Monday, September 16, 2013


We were all at church.
All 6 of us.
Can you say impressive?
Well, it is impressive since it hasn't happened yet in 4 weeks.
So we had to take a picture. 

Friday, September 13, 2013

To Whom It May Concern:

Dear Institute Boy,
You are so cute I can't concentrate.
So... if you could stop that would be great.
Love the easily distracted.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Welcome to College

This is what we do in Psychology.
And my teacher danced around and sang the words.
All in all, I love college.

Late Night Rambles

My roommates and I were talking last night.
And I said "What If."
Well we decided between the 3 of us that we hate those words.

"'What' and ‘if’ two words as nonthreatening
as words come. But put
them together side-by-side and they
have the power to haunt you for the
rest of your life: ‘What if?'...'What if?..."
So that quote basically sums it up.
Those words can haunt you.
But that is why we try to live with no regrets.
And boy is that hard.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013


Who Am I?

I had to write an essay on who am I. That was all we were told.
750 words all about me.
It doesn't seem that hard until you actually sit down to do it and don't even know where to begin. On the bright side I was able to write it. And I kind of like it. It is a nice way to get to know me.
So here it is.

At the beginning of the day I am a normal girl. I wake up, come to school, and go home. But everything in between is what makes me different from every other person you see.
 I don’t have a major. You could easily say I am a lost puppy just roaming these halls and hoping that something will catch my eye. And nothing has yet.  I have been thinking maybe Photography, Psychology, or maybe even Journalism. That last one was kind of out of the blue. I have never really liked writing until of late. I have a blog, or 4, and I love to update them. And not just with pictures or music. I love to write on them. Of course it isn’t anything intellectual but rather my thoughts and my views on some topics. I don’t have many readers but just knowing that my thoughts are being heard is kind of cool. Writing is what I do in my free time between classes. It is kind of my “me time.”
I am a freak on many levels. There is no other way to describe me.

I am a music freak. Freak doesn’t even begin to describe my obsession with music. I have gone through one MP3 player and 3 iPods. That may not seem like a big deal until I tell why I have had so many devices. It isn’t because I used them to their death but rather I ran out of space. I started with 1 GB of memory and worked my way up to 4, 8, and now 160. That is 40,000 songs. And you may not believe me that I need that much space. But I do. It already had 3,000 songs and the number is so small because my wallet objects every time I find a new song.  And so for the past year I have been living off of the music program called Spotify. It is Pandora, iTunes, and Youtube put together. Also known as a music lover’s dream. And it is free as long as you at a computer.  So in this ever slow process I am putting more and more music on my iPod.
I also sing. That goes in the ‘Music Freak’ category. I have been in choir since 7th grade. I can sing high I can sing low. I am pretty flexible. All through Junior High and High School I was a Soprano. But this year I am in UVU’s Women’s Choir and the director put me as an Alto. I am kind of bummed but it is fun because I have never sang Alto and now I have been given this chance to explore my voice in a way I haven’t been able to.
I am the roommate that cleans. I clean a ton. Also known as the 'Clean/Neat Freak.' Apparently it is a way for me to relieve stress, procrastinate, and feel in control. I didn’t know I was this way till a few weeks ago when I moved out.  My room, or my side of the room, is the cleanest and more organized in the whole apartment. I can’t help it. I clean. That can’t be too bad, right?
I have a baby. Not a screaming, eating, pooping kind of baby. I have a Digital Single Lens Reflex (DSLR) Camera. Nikon D3100 to be exact. And I love it. I love to hear the shutter click when I take a picture. I don’t take pictures of people. Okay, that is a lie. I just don’t like it as much as nature photography. I love to show people the world how I see it. A picture is a way for people to see things in another point of view. Photoshop is another happy place for me. I play my music and edit my pictures and time escapes me.  So thus it makes me a 'Photo Freak.'

I love romance. Whether it is romance novels, movies, or real life. I love it all.  Let's face it. I am a 'Romance Freak.' I read so many romance for someone with no time. I watch so many chick flicks that it is pathetic. But they are better than real life because the boy and girl actually end up together and it is a happy ever after.

Things I don’t like include: having to set my alarm clock, obeying stupid orders, and attention seeking people. All these things tend to bring my spirits way down.  But how do I cope with these struggles is the real question. Well, swings and chocolate really help. I also color in my coloring books to help me calm down in stressful situations. So we can sum it up that I am still a little kid in an adult body. But see, that goes along with one of my favorite quotes by Walt Disney. "Adults are merely children in grown up bodies." Did I mention I am a 'Disney Freak'?

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Listening & Obeying

When you get a prompting you should follow it.
Without question.
So I did.
I just don't know why.
Now I am a little confused.


Am I the only one that is scared of change?
Yet thinking of staying in the same place for the rest of my life scares me just as much. A quote that I learned in Young Womens said: "If your life was the exact same in a year from now would you still be happy? Then why are you so scared of change?" That is kind of something that has stuck with me for the past couple of years. Because I don't want it to be the same. I cringe at the thought of not progressing.
I am in college. Not just in college but I moved away. I am on the own. That was a pretty big change. It freaked me out more than most things. So far it has worked out. I love my roommates. None of use hate each other and there isn't this constant fight. I love my classes... for the most part. I like the learning approach that comes with college. It is frightening but I like it. I like being independent. Personally I never thought I would hear myself say those words. But I like being able to stand on my own. Recently I applied for a job, gone to many social outings, and even going on dates.
To me, that is some pretty big changes. And my stomach still goes 'blump blump' but I know it will be okay. Life isn't meant to be comfortable. 

Monday, September 9, 2013

Anything new?

The vacation has ended.
Reality is setting in.
But really that is it.
Things are pretty boring down here in Orem.
That's all.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Storm Warning

I have never gotten a text warning me about the weather.
So that was a first.
But there is a huge storm here.
Lightning. Thunder. Wind. Mini Rivers.
The whole sha-bang. 

Friday, September 6, 2013


I went to my first FHE yesterday. 
This little girl is growing up.
So what did we do? We went ice blocking!
I have never been ice blocking before so I guess I can now check that off my bucket list. 

Brittani, Jessica, Melissa, Camille
This is me, Heidi. 
I love Happy Valley sunsets.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Our Little Game

My roommates and I have this game. It is called "First World Probs." Some of you might have heard of it. This is how it goes. When you complain about something that is completely stupid and only applies because you are blessed then you say "First World Probs."
Some of our favorites are:

"There are too many laptops on the coffee table that I can't put my feet up"

"There are too many people we can't all fit on one bed."

"It's 11:30 at night and I am hungry so I have to make a second dinner."

"The DVD player doesn't hook up to our flat screen TV."

"Too many people are on the WIFI that I can't stream my videos without buffer."

"We don't lock our apartment because then when someone knocks we have to get up to unlock it."

"Our living room only has one lamp so it is hard to Snapchat with the bad lighting."

Basically we are hilarious.
Jessica and Camille trying to hook up the DVD player.

We can only fit three on a bed.
Pictured: Camille, Melissa, and me

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Just A Little Love

Sometimes your friends miss you.
And it feels good.

You know.. to be loved.