Sunday, August 28, 2016

First Week of Senior Year

Hello Ramblers!
I have some exciting news, I am a senior in college! 
[insert screaming and jumping up and down]
It was an eventful first week. I wrote my schedule on a sticky note. Professional, right? Anyways, for my night class, I had it in my mind that my class was in the LA building. Well, it wasn't. My class was four buildings over. I was mortified that I was going to be late. I am rarely late. I was able to speed walk my way across campus in 9 minutes. Lucky for me, my professor started class a minute after I got there.  Night class has a few downsides, but a few perks as well. One perk being, the sunset.
I'm excited for this semester. I can tell it will be a good one. Stressful but good. 

Saturday, August 6, 2016

Turning Point

Who am I?
This question has been on my mind the past couple of months.
How do you explain yourself to a stranger?
How does your family and friends view you?
Are you living a life, that once you meet your maker you can say you are proud of who you've become?
* * *
My life has become very repetitious. Which isn't a bad thing. Most the time I prefer it because of my personality. But with the repetition, you lose yourself.
At least I know I did.
* * *
This summer I am taking three classes for school, working, and attending church. Those three classes are consuming my summer, and I am trying to work at DFCU and as a photographer. I got in a groove of finishing my classes for the week just in time for the next week to start. It was/is an endless cycle. 
 For a month or so I didn't feel like I was progressing. In any stage in life.
So what did I do? I went to the temple. I received personal revelation that life as I knew it was changing. I listened to a prompting and within days everything was in motion.
One second I was texting about an appointment with the Bishop and next thing I knew I was in his office to talk about receiving my endowments. I was on cloud 9, and he noticed. I left this meeting with direction. I was so excited for this next step. Of course I was nervous because this is a huge step, but the right one nonetheless.
I started attending the temple prep classes and reading the Preparing for the Holy Temple pamphlet. I have gone through the class before and I've read this pamphlet many times but this time, I saw them both through different eyes. It really is amazing how the Lord works. Even though I had done this prep before, it feels different when you have a date in mind and a temple picked out. It was a testimony builder for me. I was learning more because of my readiness to enter the temple.
* * *
Seven weeks went by. I had chosen my date and which temple I wanted to go through. The next step was telling those who would attend the endowment session with me. I think that telling Brandt and Meme was my favorite moment leading up to the temple session. They didn't know I was preparing for the temple, so it was a total surprise. Watching their faces light up will be a moment I cherish for the rest of my life.
* * * 
The week leading up to the "big day" was the hardest. I wanted to tell every single person I saw that I was going through the temple. But I also wanted to keep this little piece of gold all to myself. I felt ready, but at the same time I was scrambling to read everything about the temple. My feelings could be described as: anxious, excited, nervous, and comfort. All the extremes. Talking with Shaelee was a huge comfort, since she just went through these feelings last week. She gave me great advice that calmed my anxious heart.
* * * 
I have completed this journey, even though my journey has just begun. I am so grateful for all the support I have gotten during this time of my life. I am excited for what the future holds. This experience was something I can't put into words. So grateful that I can go back and remember the important promises made on this day.
Tyler, Christina, Keshia, Joseph, Brandt, Meme, Grandma L, Mom, Dad, Heidi *Not Pictured Grandma and Grandpa A. Strongly missed Grandpa L.
Mom, Dad, Heidi
Mount Timpanogos Temple

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Shaelee is Married!

My best friend is married!!
(Those are the weirdest words to type.)
Shaelee is my first close friend to get married, and I am so excited for her and what the future has in store for her. I have loved watching her love story unfold over the past year. I wish her and Carson every ounce of happiness.
I was lucky enough to take her bridals, which you can see HERE!!

Marnie, Shaelee & Heidi (Bridals)

Shaelee was married in the Payson LDS temple. 
We had a yummy wedding luncheon at a Country Club in Farmington.
To top off the day, there was a reception at a cozy barn in North Salt Lake.

Marnie, Shaelee & Heidi

Shout out to Marnie for driving across three counties for all the wedding festivities, including a pit stop at the Salt Lake Temple for another sealing. 
Carson + Shaelee
♥July 30, 2016♥