I was looking at blog prompts and came across one that said to write about someone who has made an impact on your life. I have so many people that I could write about. But I am going to take this moment to appreciate my old roommate (no idea why she still has this title) Melissa.
Also, I am going to apologize right now, because I already gave her a shout out on my Insta. But she is just that awesome, so deal.
Roughly three and a half years ago I moved out for college. That time of my life everything changed. Being 18 years old, I was scared. I didn't have a plan of what I was going to do while at school. I didn't have a job, major, car, or friends. All I knew was UVU was the place I was supposed to be.
I distinctly remember coming home from Joe's Valley the Summer of 2013 and opening up my email and seeing that I got my roommate assignments. Of course my other roommates were on top of things and already created a Facebook group and started posting bios, packing lists, and just general excitement of moving. I was starting to get a feel for everyone's personalities and my nerves were being put to rest. Until Melissa logged on (she joined the group a little later). This was what she posted.
"Im so excited to move in! just to give you guys a heads up, sometimes I like to lick all the food in the fridge, and occasionally I like to sleep dance (it's like sleepwalking only dancing)... Oh and I also sleep naked. I'm really hoping to fit all 431 stuffed animals on my bed including my one direction barbies.... But in the end none of this is actually true except that I'm excited to move in
:) and now I think I need to check out Heidi's Pinterest, I'm hearing good things about it
I read this to my mom and she died laughing. She told me how much fun I was going to have with her. I was nervous because I am "normal" or "boring." And this girl that I was going to be sharing a room with for nine months seemed a little more 'out there.' But really, what was the worry doing for me? Not like I could exchange her for a new roommate. So I moved out and my boring life hasn't been the same. I could cross reference every blog post from this blog with the tag F407. Melissa is the highlight is most of them. She is the reason I have crazy stories to talk about from my "college days."
Our first pic together. Ft. Camille, Melissa & me |
Our relationship is my favorite because we spent nine months together. How can you not get close to someone in that time? It took us a month or so of warming up and feeling the water. But once we found our stride we haven't really looked back.
What is funny, in high school I had this track record of ruining a friendship in nine months. The relationship would get hard around 7/8 months and by the 9th, the relationship was in crumbles, school was out of session, so both parties wouldn't make an effort to fix it. I told Melissa that if she stuck through that 9th month, then we would be best friends forever. I'm not going to lie, it got a little rough in the 9th month. I kept pushing away and Melissa fought. For a second she did delete me on Facebook (which is a huge deal for her) but I begged for forgiveness and we've been besties ever since.
Most recent pic together ft. Heidi & Melissa |
The reason for this long post is to highlight the fact that we had a sleepover this passed week. My adult(ish) brain kept telling me that sleepovers are for children and it was a school night so that is asking for trouble. While these things may be true, we basically had one continuous sleepover for 9 months. So what is another night? That sleepover was just what I needed. Chickfila, Macey's, Chick flicks, boy stories, and we even threw in some Tinder/Mutual for old times sake.
But what makes Melissa great? Why has she made an impact on my life? There are the obvious reasons but the biggest thing I take away from her is it is okay to not have a plan (i.e. Moab). She lets the good times roll. She has taught me that sometimes you just need to let loose and just have fun. She has even taught me some great catch phrases. For example: Don't do it, it's a trap.
I use this one to this day.
I think the point of this post is:
I hope everyone has a 'Melissa' in their lives.
It is the best. End of story.
I feel like this post is either extremely nice and thoughtful or just plain creepy.
So naturally I asked Melissa if I should post it.