A few weeks ago, history was made.
I don't do politics, so I am not going to say anything on that subject.
But I will say that my social media hasn't been pleasant. It has been a lot of finger pointing and name calling. It is extremely negative and I don't like it. We are all so blessed to live in this nation where we get to vote. It is awesome that we have a say in our leaders. But over this past month, I have felt like we are divided as a nation. I feel like both political parties are being the stubborn spouse who doesn't want to compromise in the relationship.
With this state of mind, I attended a concert that was put on by the American Heritage Lyceum Philharmonic. It is a group of the elite high school kids in the orchestra world. I walked into this concert knowing it was going to be patriotic but that was it. I didn't have any expectations passed that. The concert was called "One Nation." It was put on to honor the Veterans for Veterans day. This concert took place during the Civil War. There was five singers and the orchestra. There was a beautiful story line of two brothers fighting on opposite sides, a woman whose lover was fighting, a woman whose son was fighting (in the south), and a black man who wanted to join the fight.
Even though this concert was taking place during the Civil War, I found it extremely applicable to this day. We aren't in the extreme situations of the 1860s but we are divided as a nation. We need to remember that we are one nation. We need to fighter together not against each other. The cliché saying "We may not have it all together, but together we have it all" is true! Our country is strong, no matter who is leading it. It isn't our leader that defines us. It is WE who define this country.
So listen to this song.
It is sung by Roderick Covington, who preforms on Broadway. He is currently the head hyena in The Lion King. (HOW COOL IS THAT!? HE LEFT BROADWAY TO SING IN THIS CONCERT!)
His voice. The emotion. The music.
I can't stress enough the feelings I felt during this concert. I wanted to shout from the rooftops for everyone to go and see this concert. We can all use a reminder of how great this nation really is.
BONUS: I met him and got to tell him how amazing he was.
Heidi & Roderick Covington |
He even offered his comp tickets to see the concert again. If time was on my side, I would have. In a heart beat.