Friday, August 30, 2013

Who Wore It Better?

Shopping with the roomies. 
This is Jessica and Camille. 
They are basically the best. 

Thursday, August 29, 2013


Six girls sharing an apartment. Drama is bound to happen. And it only took a week. 

Also, I made UVU Women's Choir. 

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Stinky Apartment

My roommates and I haven't had the best of luck with our apartment. First the TV doesn't work, then the remote, the table is falling apart, but now.. the apartment reeks. And actually it has been stinky since day one but it gets worse and worse everyday. I actually walked into my apartment yesterday and gagged. I felt like I was in the OLD bathrooms at Joe's Valley. That bad! So my roommates and I marched down to the leasing office and asked for help. At first you could tell they didn't believe us that it stunk so bad but we convinced the lovely Manager to come and smell our apartment. She is now fully on our side. She feels terrible that we have been living in such a gross apartment and to make things a little better our apartment gets a free meal. Not just any free meal but to a restaurant of our choice! Score!!

But the apartment is supposed to be better when I get home today.. so fingers crossed.

Because of the stinky apartment I went out in the hallway
to watch a TV show. Luckily the hallway
smelt like bacon thanks to the ASL
Academic Village around the corner from us.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

College Life? Oh Ya!

With two days under my belt I feel like I have the attending class thing down. I enjoy most of my professors. There is one that I don't particularly like but what can you do? I can't luck out and love all my professors. I like the sizes of my classes. I have two big classes with over 120 students. And two small classes with maybe 35 students. (Excluding choir and institute)
What else comes with college?
Oh ya! The social life.
I know this is a funny but I am actually being social. And can I say exhausting? But also, a lot of fun. Like yesterday after my Music 1010 class I called my friend Charity and we went shopping for a few items and then got a doughnut. And not just A doughnut. We got a Krispy Kreme doughnut. Through the drive thru. This is what America has come to. Drive Thru Windows for dough nuts. But really... I am not complaining.
After this adventure I had to go to choir. I had signed up for Concert Choir but I had a bigger goal in mind. So in the spur of the moment I talked to the teacher and asked if I could try out for the Women's Choir group. She let me and we did the audition on the spot. No prep, no warm up, no idea what was going on. I sang, I left, and I called my mom. I couldn't believe I just did that. I took a risk and it felt great! I got the email last night and this is what it said:
My name was on the call back list. I have never been so excited for call backs. I will be attending Women's Choir tomorrow and will going through another audition. The final list is posted on Thursday.
Wish me luck!

And basically I love college. It is fabulous.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Not In Murray Anymore

Yesterday I went to the YSA Ward with my roommates. I even stood up in sacrament meeting as they said my name. My roommates and I decided we will go to church because they give us food. A LOT of food. So cheap dinner. That is always a win. 

UVU is big. Not as big as BYU or U of U but it is still big. Yet with my first class I sat by someone from Murray. It was a relief to see a familiar face. Plus I love seeing my roommates in the hallways. We both get excited and wave to each other. It makes this place seem a little more like home. 

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Wolverine Crossing-New Addition

 Move in day was a big day. I am slightly sore. Guess I should move more often. Top floor baby. Walking up and down those stairs. But we got it all up. And in 'we' I mean my brother Brandt and my Mom.
The first day was kind of emotional. I have never moved out before or lived on my own. This whole experience is so new. New city, school, friends, house. Everything. And how do I feel about this? Quite frankly I am scared out of my mind. But it will be good for me. And new is what I need. Change is good. If my life were the same a year from now I probably wouldn't be happy. So a change needs to happen.
 This is my adorable living space. Nice and tidy because I don't have anything else do to. I can only walk around so much. So I just keep organizing. At least it was only the first day. I was praying that I would have more to do with my life once I got more settled.
This is my wall art. You don't really see the photos that are framed but you get the idea. It is a simple collage I made and I got it all off of Pinterest. What would I do with out that great website!? It is basically just places that I want to see eventually. Like New York, London, and Paris.

College is beginning. But so is my life.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Moving Out

I am moving out this week.
*Insert Freak Out Here*